

(PECL svn >= 0.1.0)

svn_diffRecursively diffs two paths


array svn_diff ( string $path1 , int $rev1 , string $path2 , int $rev2 )

Recursively diffs two paths, path1 and path2.


This is not a general-purpose diff utility. Only local files that are versioned may be diffed: other files will fail.



First path to diff. This can be a URL to a file/directory in an SVN repository or a local file/directory path.

Note: 相对路径将会以PHP执行文件所在目录作为当前工作目录进行解析。如果希望依据脚本所在目录解析, 使用 realpath() 或 dirname(__FILE__)。


If a local file path has only backslashes and no forward slashes, this extension will fail to find the path. Always replace all backslashes with forward slashes when using this function.


First path's revision number. Use SVN_REVISION_HEAD to specify the most recent revision.


Second path to diff. See path1 for description.


Second path's revision number. See rev1 for description.


Returns an array-list consisting of two streams: the first is the diff output and the second contains error stream output. The streams can be read using fread() . Returns FALSE or NULL on error.

The diff output will, by default, be in the form of Subversion's custom unified diff format, but an » external diff engine may be used depending on Subversion's configuration.



此函数是实验性的。此函数的表象,包括名称及其相关文档都可能在未来的 PHP 发布版本中未通知就被修改。使用本函数风险自担 。


Example #1 Basic example

This example demonstrates the basic usage of this function, and the retrieval of contents from the stream:

list( $diff $errors ) =  svn_diff (
'http://www.example.com/svnroot/trunk/foo' SVN_REVISION_HEAD ,
'http://www.example.com/svnroot/branches/dev/foo' SVN_REVISION_HEAD
if (!
$diff ) exit;
$contents  '' ;
while (!
feof ( $diff )) {
$contents  .=  fread ( $diff 8192 );
fclose ( $diff );
fclose ( $errors );
var_dump ( $contents );


Index: http://www.example.com/svnroot/trunk/foo
--- http://www.example.com/svnroot/trunk/foo        (.../foo) (revision 23)
+++ http://www.example.com/svnroot/branches/dev/foo (.../foo) (revision 27)
 // further diff output

Example #2 Diffing two revisions of a repository path

This example implements a wrapper function that allows a user to easily diff two revisions of the same item using an external repository path (the default syntax is somewhat verbose):

function  svn_diff_same_item ( $path $rev1 $rev2 ) {
svn_diff ( $path $rev1 $path $rev2 );

Example #3 Portably diffing two local files

This example implements a wrapper function that portably diffs two local files, compensating for the realpath() fix and the backslashes bug:

function  svn_diff_local ( $path1 $rev1 $path2 $rev2 ) {
$path1  str_replace ( '\\' '/' realpath ( $path1 ));
$path2  str_replace ( '\\' '/' realpath ( $path2 ));
svn_diff ( $path1 $rev1 $path2 $rev2 );


  • » SVN documentation on svn diff
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