

(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeQueryExecute a database query on this server


final public MongoDB\Driver\Cursor MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery ( string $namespace , MongoDB\Driver\Query $query [, MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference $readPreference ] )

Executes query on this server.


The readPreference parameter does not control the server to which the driver issues the query; the query will always be executed on this server object. Instead, it may be used when issuing the command to a secondary (from a replica set connection, not standalone) or mongos node to ensure that the driver sets the wire protocol accordingly or adds the read preference to the query document, respectively.


namespace ( string )

A fully qualified namespace (e.g. "databaseName.collectionName").

query ( MongoDB\Driver\Query )

The MongoDB\Driver\Query to execute.

readPreference ( MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference )

Optionally, a MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference to select the server for this operation. If none is given, the read preference from the MongoDB Connection URI will be used.


Returns MongoDB\Driver\Cursor on success.


  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException on argument parsing errors.
  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\ConnectionException if connection to the server fails (for reasons other than authentication).
  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\AuthenticationException if authentication is needed and fails.
  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException on other errors (e.g. invalid query operators).


  • MongoDB\Driver\Cursor
  • MongoDB\Driver\Query
  • MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference
  • MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery() - Execute a database query
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