


(PHP 5)

mysqli_result::fetch_fields -- mysqli_fetch_fieldsReturns an array of objects representing the fields in a result set



array mysqli_result::fetch_fields ( void )


array mysqli_fetch_fields ( mysqli_result $result )

This function serves an identical purpose to the mysqli_fetch_field() function with the single difference that, instead of returning one object at a time for each field, the columns are returned as an array of objects.



仅以过程化样式:由 mysqli_query() mysqli_store_result() mysqli_use_result() 返回的结果集标识。


Returns an array of objects which contains field definition information or FALSE if no field information is available.

Object properties
Property Description
name The name of the column
orgname Original column name if an alias was specified
table The name of the table this field belongs to (if not calculated)
orgtable Original table name if an alias was specified
max_length The maximum width of the field for the result set.
length The width of the field, in bytes, as specified in the table definition. Note that this number (bytes) might differ from your table definition value (characters), depending on the character set you use. For example, the character set utf8 has 3 bytes per character, so varchar(10) will return a length of 30 for utf8 (10*3), but return 10 for latin1 (10*1).
charsetnr The character set number (id) for the field.
flags An integer representing the bit-flags for the field.
type The data type used for this field
decimals The number of decimals used (for integer fields)


Example #1 面向对象风格

= new  mysqli ( "" "root" "foofoo" "sakila" );

if ( $mysqli -> connect_errno ) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" $mysqli -> connect_error );

foreach (array(
'latin1' 'utf8' ) as  $charset ) {

// Set character set, to show its impact on some values (e.g., length in bytes)
$mysqli -> set_charset ( $charset );

$query  "SELECT actor_id, last_name from actor ORDER BY actor_id" ;

"======================\n" ;
"Character Set:  $charset \n" ;
"======================\n" ;
    if (
$result  $mysqli -> query ( $query )) {


$finfo  $result -> fetch_fields ();

        foreach (
$finfo  as  $val ) {
printf ( "Name:      %s\n" ,    $val -> name );
printf ( "Table:     %s\n" ,    $val -> table );
printf ( "Max. Len:  %d\n" ,    $val -> max_length );
printf ( "Length:    %d\n" ,    $val -> length );
printf ( "charsetnr: %d\n" ,    $val -> charsetnr );
printf ( "Flags:     %d\n" ,    $val -> flags );
printf ( "Type:      %d\n\n" $val -> type );
$result -> free ();
$mysqli -> close ();

Example #2 过程化风格

mysqli_connect ( "" "my_user" "my_password" "sakila" );

if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" mysqli_connect_error ());

foreach (array(
'latin1' 'utf8' ) as  $charset ) {

// Set character set, to show its impact on some values (e.g., length in bytes)
mysqli_set_charset ( $link $charset );

$query  "SELECT actor_id, last_name from actor ORDER BY actor_id" ;

"======================\n" ;
"Character Set:  $charset \n" ;
"======================\n" ;

    if (
$result  mysqli_query ( $link $query )) {


$finfo  mysqli_fetch_fields ( $result );

        foreach (
$finfo  as  $val ) {
printf ( "Name:      %s\n" ,    $val -> name );
printf ( "Table:     %s\n" ,    $val -> table );
printf ( "Max. Len:  %d\n" ,    $val -> max_length );
printf ( "Length:    %d\n" ,    $val -> length );
printf ( "charsetnr: %d\n" ,    $val -> charsetnr );
printf ( "Flags:     %d\n" ,    $val -> flags );
printf ( "Type:      %d\n\n" $val -> type );
mysqli_free_result ( $result );

mysqli_close ( $link );


Character Set: latin1
Name:      actor_id
Table:     actor
Max. Len:  3
Length:    5
charsetnr: 63
Flags:     49699
Type:      2Name:      last_name
Table:     actor
Max. Len:  12
Length:    45
charsetnr: 8
Flags:     20489
Type:      253======================
Character Set: utf8
Name:      actor_id
Table:     actor
Max. Len:  3
Length:    5
charsetnr: 63
Flags:     49699
Type:      2Name:      last_name
Table:     actor
Max. Len:  12
Length:    135
charsetnr: 33
Flags:     20489


  • mysqli_num_fields() - Get the number of fields in a result
  • mysqli_fetch_field_direct() - Fetch meta-data for a single field
  • mysqli_fetch_field() - Returns the next field in the result set


[#1] cz dot paranoiq at gmail dot com [2015-02-21 09:39:06]

complete list of flags from MySQL source code:

NOT_NULL_FLAG   1       
PRI_KEY_FLAG    2       
BLOB_FLAG   16      
UNSIGNED_FLAG   32      
ZEROFILL_FLAG   64      
BINARY_FLAG 128     
ENUM_FLAG   256     
TIMESTAMP_FLAG  1024        
SET_FLAG    2048        
ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG 8192         
NUM_FLAG    32768       
PART_KEY_FLAG   16384       
GROUP_FLAG  32768       
UNIQUE_FLAG 65536       
BINCMP_FLAG 131072      

[#2] andre at koethur dot de [2014-04-20 07:55:09]

Here are two methods for converting the 'type' and 'flags' attributes to text for debugging purposes. They both use the predefined MYSQLI_ constants to generate the text.


public static function h_type2txt($type_id)

    if (!isset(
$types = array();
$constants get_defined_constants(true);
        foreach (
$constants['mysqli'] as $c => $n) if (preg_match('/^MYSQLI_TYPE_(.*)/'$c$m)) $types[$n] = $m[1];

array_key_exists($type_id$types)? $types[$type_id] : NULL;

public static function 

    if (!isset(
$flags = array();
$constants get_defined_constants(true);
        foreach (
$constants['mysqli'] as $c => $n) if (preg_match('/MYSQLI_(.*)_FLAG$/'$c$m)) if (!array_key_exists($n$flags)) $flags[$n] = $m[1];

$result = array();
    foreach (
$flags as $n => $t) if ($flags_num $n$result[] = $t;
implode(' '$result);


[#3] educarme at adinet dot com dot uy [2013-12-20 13:16:35]

Codigos de tipos de datos devueltos por fetch_fields()

Nombre Codigo
tinyint_ 1
boolean_ 1
smallint_ 2
int_ 3
float_ 4
double_ 5
real_ 5
timestamp_ 7
bigint_ 8
serial 8
mediumint_ 9
date_ 10
time_ 11
datetime_ 12
year_ 13
bit_ 16
decimal_ 246
text_ 252
tinytext_ 252
mediumtext_ 252
longtext_ 252
tinyblob_ 252
mediumblob_ 252
blob_ 252
longblob_ 252
varchar_ 253
varbinary_ 253
char_ 254
binary_ 254

[#4] AndrewRoz [2011-01-12 20:18:47]

The field info bit-flags used by MySql are:                                                                                                                                            
 (Thanks to ragtag at hotmail dot com)

// To test if a flag is set you can use & like so:

$meta $mysqli_result_object->fetch_field();
  if (
$meta->flags 4) { 
'Unique key flag is set'

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