

Table of Contents

  • SplDoublyLinkedList
  • SplStack
  • SplQueue
  • SplHeap
  • SplMaxHeap
  • SplMinHeap
  • SplPriorityQueue
  • SplFixedArray
  • SplObjectStorage

SPL提供了一组标准数据结构. They are grouped here by their underlying implementation which usually defines their general field of application.


A Doubly Linked List (DLL) is a list of nodes linked in both directions to each others. Iterator's operations, access to both ends, addition or removal of nodes have a cost of O(1) when the underlying structure is a DLL. It hence provides a decent implementation for stacks and queues.

  • SplDoublyLinkedList
    • SplStack
    • SplQueue

Heaps are tree-like structures that follow the heap-property: each node is greater than or equal to its children, when compared using the implemented compare method which is global to the heap.

  • SplHeap
    • SplMaxHeap
    • SplMinHeap
  • SplPriorityQueue


Arrays are structures that store the data in a continuous way, accessible via indexes. Don't confuse them with PHP arrays: PHP arrays are in fact implemented as ordered hashtables.

  • SplFixedArray


A map is a datastructure holding key-value pairs. PHP arrays can be seen as maps from integers/strings to values. SPL provides a map from objects to data. This map can also be used as an object set.

  • SplObjectStorage
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